Better Boarding. Beyond Training.
Better Boarding. Beyond Training.
Beyond's zoning courses review zoning in detail. The courses include a Part One and a Part Two as some business owners will determine they are permitted to operate in their zone through the instruction in Part One and will not need to delve further into zoning variances. Some business owners may already know their zone, ordinances, and use permissions and only need Part Two to learn more about variance process.
Part One Determine Zoning
Part one reviews what zoning is, how it is relevant to your dog care business, and guides you, step by step, to determine your zone and zoning ordinances, if you can operate your daycare, boarding, or board and train business at the location you would like to, and the potential for needing zoning approval.
Part Two Variance Process
Part two covers what you may expect through a zoning approval or variance process should you need to acquire zoning approval. This course provides zoning knowledge and prepares you for processes your municipal zoning board may require.
There are geographic areas where zoning for dog care is not regulated and these courses are likely unnecessary for individuals in such areas. These courses are designed based on US zoning and may not apply in other countries. These courses do not review licensing due to the expansive variety in licensing laws and requirements based on location. For licensing guidance, one on one support is suggested.
You may instead opt to schedule a one on one phone or virtual session to review your case in detail. One on one sessions for professionals specifically for determining zoning, zoning approval, and variance guidance is offered at a reduced rate to be more accessible during a potentially challenging and stressful time. Email review of your zone, ordinances, and use permissions is also available. Click here to review other zoning and variance coaching options.
If you are unsure if you should purchase this course or a one-on-one coaching session, email for a free 10 minute consult on selecting which service best suits your needs.
By purchasing any Beyond Course for Professionals course you agree to hold harmless Beyond the Walk, its owner/operator, staff, representatives, and affiliates. Beyond the Walk and its owner/operator are not legal expects. You may consider hiring a legal professional at any time. You agree not to share or distribute the contents of purchased courses. The content of courses are the intellectual property of Beyond the Walk and its owner/operator, All rights reserved.
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